Sunday I covered a memorial service for a soldier from Foley who was killed in Afghanistan. It was difficult for a moment but it isn't the first death I've covered and wont be the last, I just try to be as respectful as I can. Photos weren't allowed inside the sanctuary during the ceremony so I stayed out in the lobby. I missed making a picture that really would've told the story but I wont go into too much detail about it. There were two dignitaries, a congressman and a representative, who were at the ceremony. They both presented the family with commendations.

The above picture of the mother hugging a family member was the front page of the newspaper today. The image of the family photo ran secondary on the front page.
Following the memorial service I covered a community concert at an oceanside park in Fairhope, AL. It was a lot of fun, many interesting things were happening and I will try to go back to another event there to get some more feature images.

The above image was the front page of the Metro section today.

As always, click the images to view them larger.
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