Line Dancing and a tour of the USS Alabama.

I think that the line dancing excitement claimed the eyepiece on my Mark2. I noticed this morning that it was gone. I bought another one for a good deal already, this time I'll throw some trusty gaffer tape over the top of the eyepiece to make it stay (longer). At least I didn't break a(nother) filter.
The next morning (this morning), charity work playing with kids:

JD Mercer says I need to use off camera flash a lot more. He is right. We'll see what tomorrow brings. The Junior Misses are touring University of South Al which should be well lit outdoors. But I do need to practice with off camera flash a lot more. Looks like I'll be in need of a guinea pig. Uncle Larry is a prime candidate. Here he is enduring one of my typical test shots.

Summer camp:

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