Several photos from Universal Marine Supply (the buoy makers) ran front page of Business section in color.
The image of the women running in the rain ran inside Metro in color, the cutline I wrote for it included a quote from one of the women, "rain we train, thunder we slumber, no excuses."
Also the image of the two women sheltering from wind and rain behind an umbrella on the beach ran front page color in the Metro section.
Today was Memorial Day Sunday. I spent several hours with some veterans from American Legion Post 250 in Theodore, AL. I love spending time with veterans because I am always amazed by their stories, personalities and pure tenacity. These guys were some of the toughest old men I'd ever met but also some of the absolute nicest. I plan on going back to the Legion hall soon because there are many many stories to be told within those walls. For today though, I covered the three Memorial Day ceremonies the Legionnaires held and spent some quality time interacting with them between services at the Legion post.
I tried to capture just a bit of their character but I am far from done. These men truly are amazing and are a living testament to the kind of men and women our country depends on to maintain freedom. Nearly ALL of these men (except for a few) have been told by their doctors that they are disabled, many were told they should not be walking. More than a few have only one working eye or one working lung. Yet they refuse to stop. It is truly inspiring. I look forward to working with these men again, I have several ideas for projects I can do with them.
Here are some of the images:

I can not imagine seeing and feeling what our soilders carry within,forever, after being in war. I am grateful I have the freedom bought by their service and sacrifices. Thanks for caring about these men and bringing part of them to me.