Friday I went back to work (after spending Thursday at YMCA camp with my little cousin, see the last blog entry). Me and JD Mercer went to Mississippi to shoot some youth baseball.

We filed pictures from a Denny's restaurant. It was yummy.
Saturday, Independence Day, I covered a "Tea Party." It was a political rally where citizens came together to voice their opinions and express their concern about what is happening in Washington.

I spent the holiday weekend at the condo in Gulf Shores but on the way there I saw this man dragging a cross along the road. I stopped to talk to him and it turned out he is a missionary. I'll let the caption do the talking:
'Barry Jones carries a cross along West Beach Blvd. in Gulf Shores Saturday, July 4, 2009. "I always wanted to be behind the pulpit but now the road is my pulpit and its a huge congregation," said Jones, describing his missionary work in Gulf Shores, "this place needs a symbol of hope."'

He was a very cool guy and I'd like to keep up with him a bit. He lives in Gulf Shores with his family and he would be a good subject for a small picture story. I need to get moving with some of my ideas otherwise they will perpetually stay IDEAS.
He too has a blogspot blog:
After that, I setted in to the condo and watched fireworks.

A few beach features the next morning...

And then I went boating with my family!

That guy is cheating, his cross has wheels! :P