Then Friday I covered Monster Jam at the Mobile Civic Center. It was pretty sweet, I love Monster Trucks. Monika made fun of me just a little bit because I was jumping up and down yelling "Monster Trucks! Monster Trucks!" when I found out I was going to be able to cover it.

I had Saturday off! I went over to Grand Bay, AL, right on the AL/MISS border and went Autocrossing with the Gulf Coast SCCA Region. They were great guys (and girls) and I had a blast. The course layout was very technical and looped back on itself twice. I was spoiled by the St. Louis Region's large open parking lot so this really forced me to think and work on my "short game." Getting the car set up for corner entry was very important. I had a blast and got lots of seat time (20 runs on the track! Thats unheard of back home!) I got up super early and experienced the phenomena known as a "sun-rise," something I don't see very often.

Me, on the way to the AutoX:

My car, race-ready:

A few of the cars that were there:

You know how to shoot cars! The monster truck shots were awesome and I really like the autox pics too.